So I took the girls to the ballet tonight. They loved it! Especially Xaris, who has informed me that she will be in next year's production. Isabelle and Gwen were silent the whole time just watching but not Xaris. She would ask a random question or give commentary loudly when there was dead silence and clap louder then anyone else. We had a great time and although we won't be going back tomorrow like Xaris has requestd we will probably make it next year.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
Girls Day Out Preview
So today I found out that I can get ticker to The Nutcracker for $11.50. I know for some of you that is not exciting but it will be for my three girls tomorrow!
Monday, December 15, 2008
Christmas Card Making Update
Sooooooooooo we went to Costco to pick up our cards and it seems I ordered the one the I did instead of the one that Jaime did. Ooops! He was really upset and thought that I did it on purpose. Then he told me that he wasn't going to pay another fifteen bucks to get the ones that he wanted and I started laughing and then he really thought that Idid it on purpose. I did not however do it on purpose it was a computer error. Or more like a user error. So here is what the card was suppose to read:
But the picture is still the same! JOY TO THE WORLD!
Unto us THESE children
were born!
Merry Christmas!
The Jaimes
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Christmas Card Making
I was so unaware how cheap it was to order Christmas Cards from Costco! Unfortunately Jaime saw that I was designing them and decided that it was his job to make them. I am apologizing now if anyone is offended but at least there is a funny picture of the kids.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
So tonight Jaime and I were discussing what to
have for dinner. Since it is sunday our cupboards are bare and we didn't want to go out so we went next door. You might be thinking oh their neighbors ask them over for dinner how is that interesting, but no. Our neighbors own a restuarant and every weekend they sell tacos out of their house for $1. I know cool right? They are so yummy too. I am sure that it is probably violating some code of some sort but I am going to enjoy the convience while it lasts!
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Life with 4 Children
I love my kids. They teach me, enterain me, love me, and defy me. It is also possible for them to do all three in the same sentence.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Adventures in Cabinet Cleaning
So last Saturday I decided to go through all the cabinets and clean them all out and reorganize. To my surprise there was like 50 spiders in this one cabinet and wouldn't you know it Jaime wasn't home. So after about 30 minutes of deciding whether it would be worth it to get them out or not I decided that they were going to die. I stuck my vacuum attachment in there and sucked all those nasty spiders out! I even documented it with my camera so I could show Jaime when I got home. Here is the before and after pictures. I still can't believe I did it.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Have you ever been so dedicated to something and then it turns around and slaps you in the face? Well welcome to my world! Now lately I have been trying to make light of the situation but it doesn't seem to be making my husband feel any better. If you didn't know my husband is fluent in sarcasm and it is definitely his defense mechanism. Now that he all he can say about this particular situation he is in. He tells me things like they just aren't ready for my ideas or cracks jokes about being avoided like he is the plague. Oh and my personal favorite is they saw his name and threw it away. Honestly I know that we are supposed to be doing what we are but it is just frustrating to see people not caring about what they are paid to care about. Sure I can get frustrated from time to time but never judgemental and I definitely never give up on anyone. Jaime is always telling me to be more positive but I can't seem to find it in his sarcasm. I guess that is kind of like when I tell my kids to clean their room and they claim that one of them isn't helping so why should any of them have to do it. I am normally a positive person and I try to look for the good in everyone but that has been difficult for the past year. Matt Brown said one of the wisest things I have ever heard two Sundays ago. He said that life isn't like making cookies. You can follow the directions and things can still go wrong. Man is that not true in my life. We will see, hopefully this next year will be better than the last.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Gwenyth Sol Legaspi!
I guess there are times when my kids will embarass me and I will embarass them but this one I seriously can't believe. So we were out to dinner last night at Carinos and there were little people sitting at the table across from us, I'm pretty sure you can see where this is going. So we get our bread and our salad and things are going well no laughing our inappropriate remarks are being made by the kids. Then our dinner comes and I see Xaris and Gwenie just staring in amazement at these people. I tell them to stop staring and remark on how cool it is that God made us all different and then Gwen starts laughing. Then she starts pointing and laughing. You guessed it she was pointing and laughing at the little people. Jaime looked at me and I looked at Gwen and basically threatened her with her life if she did that again. Luckily they didn't see her do it but I still can't believe it. I don't know where I have gone wrong as a parent for her to make fun of someone that blatantly let alone at all. I guess she does laugh a lot and probably wasn't trying to be mean just funny. Parenting is truly about the teachable moments in your child's life but really Gwen really?
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
This is a GREAT movie/documentary! As I was watching it I was just amazed at the lengths that scientists will go to in order to protect Darwin’s theory of the origin of species. One particularly funny yet sad part of the movie is when one of the top scientists in the world said that he would consider that aliens seeded our planet for life to start but that he could never believe that there is a God. I was like are you kidding me? It seems to me that it takes more faith to believe in Darwin’s theory then in the fact that there is a God. Ben Stein did a great job with this movie and he really makes you think. I mean we do have the freedom of speech but it doesn’t seem like it when it pertains to debating Darwin’s theory. We truly need to take a step back and look at what we need to do in our schools to ensure that our freedom of speech is restored in science education. The squeaky wheel does get the oil so apparently we aren't being loud enough.
Monday, October 13, 2008
My husband is amazing! So I think that the one thing that most men under estimate is how much women love to be lead. Now you might laugh at this but it is so true. We are just waiting for someone to take the lead because we weren't created to lead our families but sometimes we are tricked into thinking that we need too. Anyways I am just amazed at how God has changed Jaime into the man he is today. Yesterday I had to come up with one thing that I love about him and normally I would say that way that he loves me but that has been taken over by the way that he leads me. I have to say that is my favorite! Love you babe!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
One more test
So yeah I thought that I was done with tests and the whole school thing months ago but no. Jaime's dad asked me if I wanted to become a notary and I reluctantly said yes. So about two weeks ago I went to an all day seminar and took the state exam and passsed! Yay me! (It's official, I am a professional test taker/passer) So once my fingerprints clear I will be a commissioned notary public. The funny part is that everyone who knows is like oh good you can make some extra money on the side and while I am not opposed to making extra dinero I am more excited that the youth group won't have to find a notary to notarize all those medical release forms for camp. Then yesterday Jaime's dad told me that I should order some business cards and I thought hmm I can just see it Sarah Legaspi Notary Public and then under that, just another service that I offer. I have accomplished many things in my academic carreer but this is the first achievement that I don't get a diploma or an award but a stamp for my accomplishment.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
People, come on!
I am the type of person that if I have a problem with you I will eventually come up to you and say something in a loving way most of the time but I am not perfect so sometimes I don't handle it the right way. Now this could just be me expecting everyone to be like me, but isn't that what you are suppose to do? You aren't suppose to go through a middle man and have them say something because then nothing really gets resolved. Last night I was asked if my feelings were hurt by the person in the middle and I said no because she didn't hurt my feelings, she might have confused me but not hurt my feelings. The other person who has the problem did because she didn't come to me. I am sure she can give me a thousand excuses as to why she didn't but still she should have come to me. One thing I have learned is to never assume things but she is obviously assuming some things about me and that isn't right. I have been nothing but nice to her. I give up groups to keep the peace even when I am told that I can have them so that she doesn't feel hurt or frustrated because that is what I am suppose to do. Eventhough I have done so much work it's whatever because I would rather live at peace than have tension but peace is one thing that I cannot have right now though because she didn't come to me so nothing is resolved, she got her way because I submitted but that's it. I just don't understand but I guess that I am not skilled to understand everything.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
How could they do that?
So today we were riding in the van, if you have ever riden anywhere when Jaime is driving you know that he is a channel surfer which can get a bit irritating at times . So as he was going through the radio stations he stopped on a talk radio show called a pastor's perspective. So this guy called in and says that he is a Mormon and he wants to know how to gain etenernal life. They go through the normal answers about how it is a free gift from God that you cannot earn and that you need to accept Jesus because of the sin in your life. Then the caller, who is just being inquisitive not agrumentative, says that he was told that there was no sin because God doesn't create imperfect things and so they chat about that for like a whole two seconds and don't ask what he thinks about it. Then they say thanks for calling call again. I was so mad I mean here is a person who is not saved asking how to be saved and has a few questions about it and they cut him off because they have more callers to get in during the program. I am pretty sure that they could have spent the whole hour on him and possibly saved him but instead they cut him off. I guess that no one is perfect and that not everyone is not like me but to dismiss him to go to some other questions from Christians who have questions about the end times and stuff like that, which are important but not more important then the possibility of having someone accept the Lord. I just don't get it. Even Jesus said that it isn't the healthy who need a doctor but the sick. I just pray that there is someone in that mans life that can show him the truth.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Fuge is huge!
Or at least that is what they say.... this year it was definitely true! Things I learned this year:
1. Do not compare snake bites
2. Walkie talkies only work out when two people who really want to use them do
3. Bus drivers who drive 85 rule
4. Our youth kids are so amazing ( I already knew that one but I had to throw it in there)
5. Aparently God has different plans for my life, surprise! (More to come as God reveals)
6. Will does notice if you sleep during adult bible study (Not I but Jaime learned this one)
7. You can make interesting things with duct tape.
8. Beach balls are not welcome in worship at fuge.
9. We need to put a disclaimer for any other church that wants to play spoons with us. :)
10.Jaime and Eddie come up with great cheers!
1. Do not compare snake bites
2. Walkie talkies only work out when two people who really want to use them do
3. Bus drivers who drive 85 rule
4. Our youth kids are so amazing ( I already knew that one but I had to throw it in there)
5. Aparently God has different plans for my life, surprise! (More to come as God reveals)
6. Will does notice if you sleep during adult bible study (Not I but Jaime learned this one)
7. You can make interesting things with duct tape.
8. Beach balls are not welcome in worship at fuge.
9. We need to put a disclaimer for any other church that wants to play spoons with us. :)
10.Jaime and Eddie come up with great cheers!
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Good times during earthquakes!
So as most of you know or felt a few days ago there was an earthquake. As my house begins to shake I get up and start to look for my kids. I am thinking they are probably a bit freaked out never having experienced an earthquake. I see Jaime with Xaris so I am looking for the rest yeah they are playing and having a good ol time. I am thinking I don’t want to scare them so I tell them that we are going to race to the door way. This was all done in a matter of seconds and after it was all over Christian is jumping up and down all excited like he wants to do it again and then Gwen asks what had just happened. Of course since I am a teacher we had a mini lesson on earthquakes and earthquake safety. It just amazes me how strange my kids really are. Most kids are scared of the unknown and earthquakes but not mine they want it to happen again. Go figure!
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Thirty is it old or is it thirty flirty and thriving?
Now I for one have always welcomed birthdays with excitement and anticipation. I normally start announcing it a month before and my birthday normally lasts for about a month. This year is different. I have been saying that I am turning old, but out of the respect I have for some friends that I have that are older than me I have decided that tomorrow I am turning grown up. Now I have been very quiet about my birthday this year and yes even crying about it. Today Jaime told me tomorrow you will be thirty so get over it. Therefore, I have decided that thirty is a good age to be. Hey there was a movie about a 13 year old wanting to be thirty and she thought that being thirty would be great. I guess my life just doesn’t look that way that I thought it would at thirty but that’s ok. I know that God has something great planned for me and I can’t wait to see what it is. Really, anytime you wanna show me God would be great! So bring it on thirty I am sure that I won’t wake up with any extra wrinkles tomorrow or I won’t feel any older. It will just be my birthday, the day that I feel the most loved out of any day of the year. By the way, tonight at dinner our waiter gave us free tiramisu! I am convinced that it is an early birthday gift from God, he loves me sooo much!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Finally Some Good News!
So I went to my mailbox today and there it was. Our approval for a new and free air conditioner! Exciting I know. SCE is offering free A/Cs to low income peeps but it was only a limited amount. So now in a few weeks we will have A/C again! Hmmm I wonder what good news will come next... maybe a job? I guess we will have to wait and see!
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Prayer Prayer Prayer
Well my peeps I need a job and I have been needing one for awhile now. I just don't understand why I am not getting hired. I have my credential and my Masters and I am a great teacher. We have accumulated $800 in medical bills over the last two weeks because we had to choose between health insurance and food. Now we are going through the process of getting insurance for free for the kids but that won't take affect until August, so cross your fingers that no more stitches are needed. Meanwhile the rest of the people who "work" for the company are living the high life with out a care. Luckily Best Buy bucks bought father's day for our Dads because without it we wouldn't have been able to afford it. It is just frustrating to see how Jaime's father treats him. He could just eliminate his sister's jobs and give us our pay back but he chooses not to. Their jobs are pointless and they are just an extension of the job that I do there. Long story short please pray for us we seriously need new jobs or that our Monavie business would take off.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
It's too hot!
Now I love warm weather just like any Californian but when your AC is out it sucks. I am trying to get Jaime to go to the beach but I have yet to convince him. So sad I know. Meanwhile the kids are making the best of it by running through the sprinklers and fighting with luchador masks on (I have no idea why they would want to do that when it is hot but whatever). Isabelle has even changed her normal birthday present requests from princess type stuff to a slip and slide and a new swimsuit. Well hopefully the heatwave won't last through next week and we can cool down for a little while, as for now let the shave ice making continue, man I could go for so Matsumoto's right about now.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Congrats High School Grads!
So last night I had the awesome opportunity to attend the graduation of two great girls, Sarah and Devon. Sad to say that at the end of summer they will no longer be in our youth group :( They will be going on to bigger and better things. They both have very promising futures and a passion for God that amazes me. I can't wait to see them complete the task that God has set before them! I love them and wish them the not just the best but God's best for their lives!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Memorial Day Weekend
So a few of our youth kids parents got together and told us the they were taking our family to Spirit West Coast. Now prior to this weekend I have never slept in a tent, I know spoiled girl from the OC right small group, so it was an adventure. We had so much fun! I have to admit I was tired because I didn't sleep but we had fun with our kids and our youth kids. It is really nice to get to know our youth kids parents too. We got to see Toby Mac and Jars of Clay. It was so much fun to spend time with everyone and with the fried twinkies and dippin dots. We got free Chick-fil-a coops and free soda at the youth leader hospitality center. I just love spending time with our youth and their families they are truly a blessing to us!
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Mother's Day= Flowers
Can I tell you how much I love flowers? Yeah I like them a lot! I got a lot of them on Sunday since I am a mother. Now my house is full of flowers and smells so nice and pretty!
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
The Point System
I have been meaning to institute a point system with my children. It has been a longtime coming but I have finally done it! Yay me! The girls are slowly warming up to it and realizing what it is and how it works. Gwen is particularly excited since the points can't be taken away unless they are used. The rewards that I have for them are Chick fil a-25 points, John's Incredible Pizza- 200 points and Libby Lu- 200 points. I know you totally wish that you could get in on the reward chart but sorry you have to be between the ages of 4 and 18, have the last name Legaspi, and live with me. So we will see if this produces a clean room and earlier bed times.
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Fun times at graduation
Hmm where should I start... I know I'll start with the fact that I cried while i was walking in to sit down, shocker I know. We sat there for an hour listening to speakers and chatting. Then it was time to be "hooded", it was so exciting! I get up there and my professor says, " I see that you have brought your entourage with you" I started laughing and then I hear these two very distinct voices. It was Mikey and Crystal. All I hear is "Get it get it" and " Who's got the spotlight?" and wait I can't forget the "run down the aisle Sarah, no strut". I was thinking seriously? I am getting heckled during a Master's Degree ceremony. Yes I was laughing the whole time I was on the stage. I still can't believe that I did it.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Take a number!
So today was a pretty whiny day for the Legaspi children. As all moms know sometimes it can get pretty crazy when all of your kids decide to whine at once. Mommy, mommy, mommy! I do love being a mom but sometimes I do wish that I could change my name or make my kids take a number. I have tried these things before and it didn't work. Well tomorrow is a new day and hopefully a mostly whine free day.
Friday, April 18, 2008
I am so excited! Today I found out that River Springs Charter School is going to be hiring teachers for next year starting next week! This is exactly what I have been praying for! Either I will be a home school teacher or I will teach 4 days a week at Belle & Gwens school. I see it as a win win situation. I can't wait I feel like this might really be it! I will keep you posted!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Daddy dood it!
This is Christian's phrase for everything that has to be done for him. From getting something to drink to changing his diaper. I feel like it just might be every mother's dream come true to have their child tell them that they want their dad to change their diaper. I have to admit it is pretty hilarious!
Breaking Free
Someday I seriously want to meet Beth Moore and thank her for being obedient to God and writing down the things that He has taught her. Well right now I am going through Breaking Free. I have heard many amazing things about this study and I am starting to see them for myself. You might be thinking, Sarah what do you need to break free from? Well there are several things and I am sure that I haven't discovered them all yet. I feel like one thing is definitely fear. The fear of not being good enough for anything in life, ie. wife, friend, mom, daughter, or person. So hopefully by the end of the study God will lead me to a place that I can break free from this. Today was about God's peace and she said the best thing that I have ever heard, "Peace shouldn't be an infrequent surprise but an ongoing rule." As I read these words I thought, "Yes! That is amazing! I want peace to be an ongoing rule in my life. Where can I get some of that?" If you know anything about what has been going on in my life you would probably agree that I could use some peace right about now. Of course I am going to have to work at it but now I have some pretty good verses to hold onto. I just love how God reveals things to me, basically it's a, "Hello Sarah! How many ways can I say this?" But He says it in such a loving way. He speaks so tenderly to me that my heart just melts. There is truly no one that can talk to me the way that He does. I love Him so much He is definitley amazing! I can't wait to finish breaking free!
Thursday, April 10, 2008
My friend
I love my friend! I hadn't seen her in over five months! It's amazing what God can do when you let Him have control of a situation. As I walked in the door tears started streaming down my face. Between our five minute hug inside Starbucks and our tearfilled conversations we managed to patch somethings. Within no time we were laughing and talking like these five months had only been five minutes. I know that there will still be some awkwardness but I honestly could not imagine my life without her. God is truly the mender of broken hearts because I am sure that her heart was just as broken as mine and only He could have brought us back together. I hope that we will both grow through this and that we will learn what true friendship is.
update for dwelling on the good
To update this ongoing situation God has shown me something good in one of the three maybe next week I will have two of the three or maybe all of them. I am just trying to love them like He loves me. My favorite worship song is Hosanna and in the bridge of the song it says:
Heal my heart and make it clean
Open up my eyes to the things unseen
Show me how to love like you have loved me
Break my heart from what breaks yours
Everything I am for your kingdoms cause
As I walk from earth into Eternity.
This song speaks volumes to my situation I feel like this is my prayer in regards to these people. I truly hope and pray that God would heal my heart from the things they have done to me and make it new. I need Him to open up my eyes to seen the reason why they are this way to me and to show me how to love them like He loves me. I want my heart to break when they break His heart not to be upset with them but to hurt for them. I want to do this to bring them to Christ so that when this life is over I can spend eternity with them and they will be with my God who can and will save them.
Heal my heart and make it clean
Open up my eyes to the things unseen
Show me how to love like you have loved me
Break my heart from what breaks yours
Everything I am for your kingdoms cause
As I walk from earth into Eternity.
This song speaks volumes to my situation I feel like this is my prayer in regards to these people. I truly hope and pray that God would heal my heart from the things they have done to me and make it new. I need Him to open up my eyes to seen the reason why they are this way to me and to show me how to love them like He loves me. I want my heart to break when they break His heart not to be upset with them but to hurt for them. I want to do this to bring them to Christ so that when this life is over I can spend eternity with them and they will be with my God who can and will save them.
Can't Wait!
Last night was small group, I love our youth kids they are great! Jaime and I have been feeling pretty down about our job situation. It just sucks. There is no other way to put it. We can't be paid but they can pay for passes to Disneyland and buying new laptops for others who make more than enough money to pay for these things on their own. I guess I am just trying to look at this situation logically but it isn't logical it is irrational. Yes I am frustrated just a bit but this will get better I promise. So put put it in Jaime's words, "We will be fine because God will take care of us. He always has." I am looking for a teaching job and I can't find one because they are laying off teachers. Last night one of our youth kid's parents, John, is always so encouraging to us. He let me know what he thought of the current teaching situation and encouraged me that I will find a job and in the mean time he is finding me some sub jobs, which are also hard to find right now. The reason for the title can't wait is for one simple reason I know that right now we are experiencing rough times and history has shown that whenever you are having a bad time just cry out to God and he will deliver you. I can't wait to be delivered from our current situation. What John said last night was very insightful and it also gave me a peak into was God is working up for us. I know that He has something great planned I just can't wait to see it!
Monday, March 31, 2008
dwelling on the good
Well if you know me I am one of those people who see the "good potential" in everyone I meet. I always hope for the best. Today I realized that there are about three people in my life that I cannot see any good in at all. As I was talking with Jaime about them I realized this and tears started streaming down my face, we were in chick-fil-a by the way good time to cry Sarah. I have never known anyone that I could not see anything positive in. There was a time that I did see the good in them but that is now all been destroyed by all of the hurt that has been rained down upon me by them. A very wise man said that hurt people hurt people. Then I realized that they are hurt people but the sad thing is that they don't want any help. They want to remain hurt so that they can stay in control. So maybe all they can do is hurt. So I have decided that this week I am going to find some good in them, with God's help of course. Or more like He is going to help me find good in them. He knows their every thought, their fears and dreams. He loves them more than I ever could and I need to find out what makes them special. God has made everyone of us in His image so in a sense we all have a piece of Him in our personality. I need to see where that piece of Him is. Maybe if I can find this piece of Him in them I can focus on this. Maybe there is something to Philippians 4:8 after all.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Word World and its effects on my kids
So incase you don't have kids and don't watch PBS, Word World is this show that uses letters to build words and then those words turn into the word they built. For example, one day they made pie. So all they did was put together the letters P I E and that made a pie. This is a great show and and ingenious idea. There is a down side however. Today Christian woke up and he told me he wanted to build a rocket. I'm thinking alright he is just going to put some of his toys together to look like a rocket. Oh I was sadly mistaken. So I ask him how he is going to build this rocket and he said with letters, mom I need an r. I start cracking up but of course he did not think that it was funny at all and insisted that he needed these letters. So what did I do? I did what any good mom would do and distracted him with food! I am sure that he will want something later and try to build it with letters but Jaime did not get to witness this experience so I want to see what he will say when his son wants a spaceship and he needs some letters so that he can build himself one.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
This week our friends picked up their whole lives and moved across the country. My friend who is a planner extraordinaire has no plans but were she will live temporarily and that she will rent a car when she gets there. No real job interviews nothing! I am encouraged by their faith and them just going because God told them to go and nothing more. I am sure that this will be hard for them but I am sure that God will grow them from this experience. I love our friends James and Alyssa and I am sure that I will miss them, mostly Alyssa (sorry James).
I had a huge surprise on Sunday. Well maybe not huge but a surprise none the less. As I was walking to my car after church I felt a buzz in my pocket. Wondering who would be texting me I open up my phone and there it was a text from a person that hadn't spoken to me in 5 months wishing me a Happy Easter. I almost fell over from the shock of hearing from this person. I had left messages, text, email, smiles, etc for her numerous times with no response. I was perfectly content with not ever talking to her again but now she wants to talk? I had mixed feelings but ultimately I know that none of us are perfect so I text her back and we had a short but sweet little talk. I do miss her she was my bestest friend and sister but we will see what becomes of this talk we are going to have. I do hope that hurt feelings can be healed and that our relationship can be mended.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Today was Gwen's birthday and she had a blast. First of all she chose to go to school today, I am so proud! So we got up extra early so I could curl her hair and dress her up so she could look like the princess that she is. Then when I dropped her off at school she looked at me and said, "I love you mom!" With a huge smile on her face and skipped off to school. Later I showed up to her class with cupcakes and juice. She was so the hostess with the mostest by passing out the cupcakes and napkins. She was the last one to sit down and the first to get up to start cleaning and it was her party! How sweet to see what a servants heart she has at six! Then we came home and she opened up her presents and was soooo excited. We made dinner and her cake and she was so thankful and greatful for us making her day so special. By the way she has a new nickname, it's "G"; I know it's so cute Belle gave it to her. She shared all the new stuff she got today with her sisters and the cake tonight she also handed out to everyone before she took a bite of her own. I am so thankful for her joyful spirit and bright smile God has really blessed me with four wonderful children and I can't thank Him enough for them! Happy Birthday Gwenie!
Friday, March 14, 2008
Well it is official I have my Master's Degree! I just found out that I passed my last exam! So if I have a Master's of Education does tha mean that I mastered education? Hmmmm
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
It is so nice to do the thing that God created you to do. As for me God created me to be a teacher. I subbed today for the first time in a while and I absolutely loved it. I am not drained at all but energized by it. I love shaping the future minds of America. I can't wait until I get a teaching contract it is going to be great! :)
Thursday, March 6, 2008
My kids!
No I am not talking about my real kids but the kids, although they are more like young adults, in our small group. On Sunday they showed up for night service and during worship I just happened to look over and I see them totally wrapped up in worshipping their Lord. As tears started streaming down my face I was so excited that they got it! I mean I love all of the kids in our youth group but I am closest with the ones in our small group for obvious reasons. Then last night at small group to hear one of my girls say that the verses I read to them last week really spoke to her and showed her just how much God loves her I was just so thankful. Thankful that God is so faithful not only to me but to these girls. I wasn't really sure how they percieved it but obviously God and our group got the invitation Jaime and I sent them last week to show up. Not that God doesn't always show up but sometimes our kids are their but they aren't, if that makes any sense. Just to see God moving in their lives and seeing all of them wanting to be challenged just really makes my day. I love these guys so much and God has really given me such a passion for them I can't wait to see what He has planned for their lives.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Saturday, March 1, 2008
I have been studying for weeks and now it is finally over. I can finally breathe! My exams are over and it is a great feeling. Now I can return to just being a wife and a mom. Wow I haven't ever just been a wife and a mom before. Oh of course I am still working but to no longer be a student? What a crazy thought! No more papers to write or tests to study for, what will I do with all of this free time I have? Maybe I can repaint my room! I have been dying to do that ever since I painted it! My house definitely needs some spring cleaning so maybe that is what I'll do second. As for now I plan to relax and enjoy all the things that God has blessed me with. Oh and start up this blogging thing that I have been meaning to do for sometime now.
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