Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Fuge is huge!

Or at least that is what they say.... this year it was definitely true! Things I learned this year:

1. Do not compare snake bites
2. Walkie talkies only work out when two people who really want to use them do
3. Bus drivers who drive 85 rule
4. Our youth kids are so amazing ( I already knew that one but I had to throw it in there)
5. Aparently God has different plans for my life, surprise! (More to come as God reveals)
6. Will does notice if you sleep during adult bible study (Not I but Jaime learned this one)
7. You can make interesting things with duct tape.
8. Beach balls are not welcome in worship at fuge.
9. We need to put a disclaimer for any other church that wants to play spoons with us. :)
10.Jaime and Eddie come up with great cheers!

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