Friday, October 24, 2008


This is a GREAT movie/documentary! As I was watching it I was just amazed at the lengths that scientists will go to in order to protect Darwin’s theory of the origin of species. One particularly funny yet sad part of the movie is when one of the top scientists in the world said that he would consider that aliens seeded our planet for life to start but that he could never believe that there is a God. I was like are you kidding me? It seems to me that it takes more faith to believe in Darwin’s theory then in the fact that there is a God. Ben Stein did a great job with this movie and he really makes you think. I mean we do have the freedom of speech but it doesn’t seem like it when it pertains to debating Darwin’s theory. We truly need to take a step back and look at what we need to do in our schools to ensure that our freedom of speech is restored in science education. The squeaky wheel does get the oil so apparently we aren't being loud enough.

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