Wednesday, October 8, 2008

One more test

So yeah I thought that I was done with tests and the whole school thing months ago but no. Jaime's dad asked me if I wanted to become a notary and I reluctantly said yes. So about two weeks ago I went to an all day seminar and took the state exam and passsed! Yay me! (It's official, I am a professional test taker/passer) So once my fingerprints clear I will be a commissioned notary public. The funny part is that everyone who knows is like oh good you can make some extra money on the side and while I am not opposed to making extra dinero I am more excited that the youth group won't have to find a notary to notarize all those medical release forms for camp. Then yesterday Jaime's dad told me that I should order some business cards and I thought hmm I can just see it Sarah Legaspi Notary Public and then under that, just another service that I offer. I have accomplished many things in my academic carreer but this is the first achievement that I don't get a diploma or an award but a stamp for my accomplishment.

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