Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Today was Gwen's birthday and she had a blast. First of all she chose to go to school today, I am so proud! So we got up extra early so I could curl her hair and dress her up so she could look like the princess that she is. Then when I dropped her off at school she looked at me and said, "I love you mom!" With a huge smile on her face and skipped off to school. Later I showed up to her class with cupcakes and juice. She was so the hostess with the mostest by passing out the cupcakes and napkins. She was the last one to sit down and the first to get up to start cleaning and it was her party! How sweet to see what a servants heart she has at six! Then we came home and she opened up her presents and was soooo excited. We made dinner and her cake and she was so thankful and greatful for us making her day so special. By the way she has a new nickname, it's "G"; I know it's so cute Belle gave it to her. She shared all the new stuff she got today with her sisters and the cake tonight she also handed out to everyone before she took a bite of her own. I am so thankful for her joyful spirit and bright smile God has really blessed me with four wonderful children and I can't thank Him enough for them! Happy Birthday Gwenie!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad 2 c good things being done in the world. Keep it up!