Monday, March 31, 2008

dwelling on the good

Well if you know me I am one of those people who see the "good potential" in everyone I meet. I always hope for the best. Today I realized that there are about three people in my life that I cannot see any good in at all. As I was talking with Jaime about them I realized this and tears started streaming down my face, we were in chick-fil-a by the way good time to cry Sarah. I have never known anyone that I could not see anything positive in. There was a time that I did see the good in them but that is now all been destroyed by all of the hurt that has been rained down upon me by them. A very wise man said that hurt people hurt people. Then I realized that they are hurt people but the sad thing is that they don't want any help. They want to remain hurt so that they can stay in control. So maybe all they can do is hurt. So I have decided that this week I am going to find some good in them, with God's help of course. Or more like He is going to help me find good in them. He knows their every thought, their fears and dreams. He loves them more than I ever could and I need to find out what makes them special. God has made everyone of us in His image so in a sense we all have a piece of Him in our personality. I need to see where that piece of Him is. Maybe if I can find this piece of Him in them I can focus on this. Maybe there is something to Philippians 4:8 after all.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Word World and its effects on my kids

So incase you don't have kids and don't watch PBS, Word World is this show that uses letters to build words and then those words turn into the word they built. For example, one day they made pie. So all they did was put together the letters P I E and that made a pie. This is a great show and and ingenious idea. There is a down side however. Today Christian woke up and he told me he wanted to build a rocket. I'm thinking alright he is just going to put some of his toys together to look like a rocket. Oh I was sadly mistaken. So I ask him how he is going to build this rocket and he said with letters, mom I need an r. I start cracking up but of course he did not think that it was funny at all and insisted that he needed these letters. So what did I do? I did what any good mom would do and distracted him with food! I am sure that he will want something later and try to build it with letters but Jaime did not get to witness this experience so I want to see what he will say when his son wants a spaceship and he needs some letters so that he can build himself one.

Thursday, March 27, 2008


This week our friends picked up their whole lives and moved across the country. My friend who is a planner extraordinaire has no plans but were she will live temporarily and that she will rent a car when she gets there. No real job interviews nothing! I am encouraged by their faith and them just going because God told them to go and nothing more. I am sure that this will be hard for them but I am sure that God will grow them from this experience. I love our friends James and Alyssa and I am sure that I will miss them, mostly Alyssa (sorry James).


I had a huge surprise on Sunday. Well maybe not huge but a surprise none the less. As I was walking to my car after church I felt a buzz in my pocket. Wondering who would be texting me I open up my phone and there it was a text from a person that hadn't spoken to me in 5 months wishing me a Happy Easter. I almost fell over from the shock of hearing from this person. I had left messages, text, email, smiles, etc for her numerous times with no response. I was perfectly content with not ever talking to her again but now she wants to talk? I had mixed feelings but ultimately I know that none of us are perfect so I text her back and we had a short but sweet little talk. I do miss her she was my bestest friend and sister but we will see what becomes of this talk we are going to have. I do hope that hurt feelings can be healed and that our relationship can be mended.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Today was Gwen's birthday and she had a blast. First of all she chose to go to school today, I am so proud! So we got up extra early so I could curl her hair and dress her up so she could look like the princess that she is. Then when I dropped her off at school she looked at me and said, "I love you mom!" With a huge smile on her face and skipped off to school. Later I showed up to her class with cupcakes and juice. She was so the hostess with the mostest by passing out the cupcakes and napkins. She was the last one to sit down and the first to get up to start cleaning and it was her party! How sweet to see what a servants heart she has at six! Then we came home and she opened up her presents and was soooo excited. We made dinner and her cake and she was so thankful and greatful for us making her day so special. By the way she has a new nickname, it's "G"; I know it's so cute Belle gave it to her. She shared all the new stuff she got today with her sisters and the cake tonight she also handed out to everyone before she took a bite of her own. I am so thankful for her joyful spirit and bright smile God has really blessed me with four wonderful children and I can't thank Him enough for them! Happy Birthday Gwenie!

Friday, March 14, 2008


Well it is official I have my Master's Degree! I just found out that I passed my last exam! So if I have a Master's of Education does tha mean that I mastered education? Hmmmm

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


It is so nice to do the thing that God created you to do. As for me God created me to be a teacher. I subbed today for the first time in a while and I absolutely loved it. I am not drained at all but energized by it. I love shaping the future minds of America. I can't wait until I get a teaching contract it is going to be great! :)

Thursday, March 6, 2008

My kids!

No I am not talking about my real kids but the kids, although they are more like young adults, in our small group. On Sunday they showed up for night service and during worship I just happened to look over and I see them totally wrapped up in worshipping their Lord. As tears started streaming down my face I was so excited that they got it! I mean I love all of the kids in our youth group but I am closest with the ones in our small group for obvious reasons. Then last night at small group to hear one of my girls say that the verses I read to them last week really spoke to her and showed her just how much God loves her I was just so thankful. Thankful that God is so faithful not only to me but to these girls. I wasn't really sure how they percieved it but obviously God and our group got the invitation Jaime and I sent them last week to show up. Not that God doesn't always show up but sometimes our kids are their but they aren't, if that makes any sense. Just to see God moving in their lives and seeing all of them wanting to be challenged just really makes my day. I love these guys so much and God has really given me such a passion for them I can't wait to see what He has planned for their lives.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

My kids are great!

They are so stinkin' cute!

Saturday, March 1, 2008


I have been studying for weeks and now it is finally over. I can finally breathe! My exams are over and it is a great feeling. Now I can return to just being a wife and a mom. Wow I haven't ever just been a wife and a mom before. Oh of course I am still working but to no longer be a student? What a crazy thought! No more papers to write or tests to study for, what will I do with all of this free time I have? Maybe I can repaint my room! I have been dying to do that ever since I painted it! My house definitely needs some spring cleaning so maybe that is what I'll do second. As for now I plan to relax and enjoy all the things that God has blessed me with. Oh and start up this blogging thing that I have been meaning to do for sometime now.