Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Take a number!

So today was a pretty whiny day for the Legaspi children. As all moms know sometimes it can get pretty crazy when all of your kids decide to whine at once. Mommy, mommy, mommy! I do love being a mom but sometimes I do wish that I could change my name or make my kids take a number. I have tried these things before and it didn't work. Well tomorrow is a new day and hopefully a mostly whine free day.

Friday, April 18, 2008


I am so excited! Today I found out that River Springs Charter School is going to be hiring teachers for next year starting next week! This is exactly what I have been praying for! Either I will be a home school teacher or I will teach 4 days a week at Belle & Gwens school. I see it as a win win situation. I can't wait I feel like this might really be it! I will keep you posted!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Daddy dood it!

This is Christian's phrase for everything that has to be done for him. From getting something to drink to changing his diaper. I feel like it just might be every mother's dream come true to have their child tell them that they want their dad to change their diaper. I have to admit it is pretty hilarious!

Breaking Free

Someday I seriously want to meet Beth Moore and thank her for being obedient to God and writing down the things that He has taught her. Well right now I am going through Breaking Free. I have heard many amazing things about this study and I am starting to see them for myself. You might be thinking, Sarah what do you need to break free from? Well there are several things and I am sure that I haven't discovered them all yet. I feel like one thing is definitely fear. The fear of not being good enough for anything in life, ie. wife, friend, mom, daughter, or person. So hopefully by the end of the study God will lead me to a place that I can break free from this. Today was about God's peace and she said the best thing that I have ever heard, "Peace shouldn't be an infrequent surprise but an ongoing rule." As I read these words I thought, "Yes! That is amazing! I want peace to be an ongoing rule in my life. Where can I get some of that?" If you know anything about what has been going on in my life you would probably agree that I could use some peace right about now. Of course I am going to have to work at it but now I have some pretty good verses to hold onto. I just love how God reveals things to me, basically it's a, "Hello Sarah! How many ways can I say this?" But He says it in such a loving way. He speaks so tenderly to me that my heart just melts. There is truly no one that can talk to me the way that He does. I love Him so much He is definitley amazing! I can't wait to finish breaking free!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

My friend

I love my friend! I hadn't seen her in over five months! It's amazing what God can do when you let Him have control of a situation. As I walked in the door tears started streaming down my face. Between our five minute hug inside Starbucks and our tearfilled conversations we managed to patch somethings. Within no time we were laughing and talking like these five months had only been five minutes. I know that there will still be some awkwardness but I honestly could not imagine my life without her. God is truly the mender of broken hearts because I am sure that her heart was just as broken as mine and only He could have brought us back together. I hope that we will both grow through this and that we will learn what true friendship is.

update for dwelling on the good

To update this ongoing situation God has shown me something good in one of the three maybe next week I will have two of the three or maybe all of them. I am just trying to love them like He loves me. My favorite worship song is Hosanna and in the bridge of the song it says:
Heal my heart and make it clean
Open up my eyes to the things unseen
Show me how to love like you have loved me
Break my heart from what breaks yours
Everything I am for your kingdoms cause
As I walk from earth into Eternity.
This song speaks volumes to my situation I feel like this is my prayer in regards to these people. I truly hope and pray that God would heal my heart from the things they have done to me and make it new. I need Him to open up my eyes to seen the reason why they are this way to me and to show me how to love them like He loves me. I want my heart to break when they break His heart not to be upset with them but to hurt for them. I want to do this to bring them to Christ so that when this life is over I can spend eternity with them and they will be with my God who can and will save them.

Can't Wait!

Last night was small group, I love our youth kids they are great! Jaime and I have been feeling pretty down about our job situation. It just sucks. There is no other way to put it. We can't be paid but they can pay for passes to Disneyland and buying new laptops for others who make more than enough money to pay for these things on their own. I guess I am just trying to look at this situation logically but it isn't logical it is irrational. Yes I am frustrated just a bit but this will get better I promise. So put put it in Jaime's words, "We will be fine because God will take care of us. He always has." I am looking for a teaching job and I can't find one because they are laying off teachers. Last night one of our youth kid's parents, John, is always so encouraging to us. He let me know what he thought of the current teaching situation and encouraged me that I will find a job and in the mean time he is finding me some sub jobs, which are also hard to find right now. The reason for the title can't wait is for one simple reason I know that right now we are experiencing rough times and history has shown that whenever you are having a bad time just cry out to God and he will deliver you. I can't wait to be delivered from our current situation. What John said last night was very insightful and it also gave me a peak into was God is working up for us. I know that He has something great planned I just can't wait to see it!