Saturday, September 6, 2008

People, come on!

I am the type of person that if I have a problem with you I will eventually come up to you and say something in a loving way most of the time but I am not perfect so sometimes I don't handle it the right way. Now this could just be me expecting everyone to be like me, but isn't that what you are suppose to do? You aren't suppose to go through a middle man and have them say something because then nothing really gets resolved. Last night I was asked if my feelings were hurt by the person in the middle and I said no because she didn't hurt my feelings, she might have confused me but not hurt my feelings. The other person who has the problem did because she didn't come to me. I am sure she can give me a thousand excuses as to why she didn't but still she should have come to me. One thing I have learned is to never assume things but she is obviously assuming some things about me and that isn't right. I have been nothing but nice to her. I give up groups to keep the peace even when I am told that I can have them so that she doesn't feel hurt or frustrated because that is what I am suppose to do. Eventhough I have done so much work it's whatever because I would rather live at peace than have tension but peace is one thing that I cannot have right now though because she didn't come to me so nothing is resolved, she got her way because I submitted but that's it. I just don't understand but I guess that I am not skilled to understand everything.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

How could they do that?

So today we were riding in the van, if you have ever riden anywhere when Jaime is driving you know that he is a channel surfer which can get a bit irritating at times . So as he was going through the radio stations he stopped on a talk radio show called a pastor's perspective. So this guy called in and says that he is a Mormon and he wants to know how to gain etenernal life. They go through the normal answers about how it is a free gift from God that you cannot earn and that you need to accept Jesus because of the sin in your life. Then the caller, who is just being inquisitive not agrumentative, says that he was told that there was no sin because God doesn't create imperfect things and so they chat about that for like a whole two seconds and don't ask what he thinks about it. Then they say thanks for calling call again. I was so mad I mean here is a person who is not saved asking how to be saved and has a few questions about it and they cut him off because they have more callers to get in during the program. I am pretty sure that they could have spent the whole hour on him and possibly saved him but instead they cut him off. I guess that no one is perfect and that not everyone is not like me but to dismiss him to go to some other questions from Christians who have questions about the end times and stuff like that, which are important but not more important then the possibility of having someone accept the Lord. I just don't get it. Even Jesus said that it isn't the healthy who need a doctor but the sick. I just pray that there is someone in that mans life that can show him the truth.