Thursday, July 31, 2008

Good times during earthquakes!

So as most of you know or felt a few days ago there was an earthquake. As my house begins to shake I get up and start to look for my kids. I am thinking they are probably a bit freaked out never having experienced an earthquake. I see Jaime with Xaris so I am looking for the rest yeah they are playing and having a good ol time. I am thinking I don’t want to scare them so I tell them that we are going to race to the door way. This was all done in a matter of seconds and after it was all over Christian is jumping up and down all excited like he wants to do it again and then Gwen asks what had just happened. Of course since I am a teacher we had a mini lesson on earthquakes and earthquake safety. It just amazes me how strange my kids really are. Most kids are scared of the unknown and earthquakes but not mine they want it to happen again. Go figure!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Thirty is it old or is it thirty flirty and thriving?

Now I for one have always welcomed birthdays with excitement and anticipation. I normally start announcing it a month before and my birthday normally lasts for about a month. This year is different. I have been saying that I am turning old, but out of the respect I have for some friends that I have that are older than me I have decided that tomorrow I am turning grown up. Now I have been very quiet about my birthday this year and yes even crying about it. Today Jaime told me tomorrow you will be thirty so get over it. Therefore, I have decided that thirty is a good age to be. Hey there was a movie about a 13 year old wanting to be thirty and she thought that being thirty would be great. I guess my life just doesn’t look that way that I thought it would at thirty but that’s ok. I know that God has something great planned for me and I can’t wait to see what it is. Really, anytime you wanna show me God would be great! So bring it on thirty I am sure that I won’t wake up with any extra wrinkles tomorrow or I won’t feel any older. It will just be my birthday, the day that I feel the most loved out of any day of the year. By the way, tonight at dinner our waiter gave us free tiramisu! I am convinced that it is an early birthday gift from God, he loves me sooo much!