Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Me and My Girls!

Back in February I bought some tickets for the girls and I to go see Taylor Swift. Well last Friday we went to see her a we had a great time. Me, Vanessa , and Missie dress the girls up and did their hair. I think that our seats were pretty far away but it was ok because Taylor Swift came into the audience and did a couple of songs. Xaris kept asking if she could go and give her a hug and was disappointed when she couldn't. I think that Gwenie and Xaris gave Taylor a run for her money because they were singing and performing along with her to every song. I could not stop laughing. Then there was the highlight of the night when John Mayer came out and sang. So exciting!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Do your research

So it has been awhile since I have blogged. I don't know why it has been so long. Maybe I lacked inspiration or maybe time or both. Well I have finally got something to blog about. During dinner last night some people were discussing the movie Sicko and how amazing this "documentary" is and how they want to move to France and it is so much better than here blah blah blah. When I pointed out Michael Moore's flawed research and how he only shows one side of the story I was basically ignored as Jaime and I were obviously out numbered. I mean come on when USA Today says that it is more of an editorial than a documentary that says volumes.
Michael Moore neglected to say that the tax rate in the US is 12% while in France it is 47% and Great Britain is 27% according to The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. He stated that Health care in America cost $7,000 a year when he was adding about $900 to the actual number, he obviously missed class on the day rounding was taught. Lets go with his facts though. So in the US we don't have socialized medicine so we only pay 12% and France does so they have 47% tax rate. Let's take a person that makes $50K a year. In France they would pay $23,500 a year in taxes while in the US he would pay $6000, even if you added his $7,000 it is still less to live here. Hmm that sounds like they pay more than $7,000 a year in heallthcare "free healthcare" isn't so free is it and the more you make the more you pay.
He also hand picked what companies and employers he decided to feature in his "documentary". He only choose the ones that fit his view. Very one sided and the sad thing is that people actually are buying into it. Apparently Cuba has better healthcare and its people live longer, untrue equipment and drugs are scarce in that country and their life expectancy is the same as us. France and Britain only have a few years more than us. This is all according to the World Health Organization and The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.
I guess the lesson is to do your research! Don't believe everything you hear because surprise some people do lie and manipulate situations!