Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Gwenyth Sol Legaspi!

I guess there are times when my kids will embarass me and I will embarass them but this one I seriously can't believe. So we were out to dinner last night at Carinos and there were little people sitting at the table across from us, I'm pretty sure you can see where this is going. So we get our bread and our salad and things are going well no laughing our inappropriate remarks are being made by the kids. Then our dinner comes and I see Xaris and Gwenie just staring in amazement at these people. I tell them to stop staring and remark on how cool it is that God made us all different and then Gwen starts laughing. Then she starts pointing and laughing. You guessed it she was pointing and laughing at the little people. Jaime looked at me and I looked at Gwen and basically threatened her with her life if she did that again. Luckily they didn't see her do it but I still can't believe it. I don't know where I have gone wrong as a parent for her to make fun of someone that blatantly let alone at all. I guess she does laugh a lot and probably wasn't trying to be mean just funny. Parenting is truly about the teachable moments in your child's life but really Gwen really?

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Halloween was a blast! Jaime's sister made some great costumes that I got to help her with! Oh and three of them won for best costume. We know the other ones won too but we had to let other people win too or they wouldn't want to come out to play next year.:)