Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Finally Some Good News!

So I went to my mailbox today and there it was. Our approval for a new and free air conditioner! Exciting I know. SCE is offering free A/Cs to low income peeps but it was only a limited amount. So now in a few weeks we will have A/C again! Hmmm I wonder what good news will come next... maybe a job? I guess we will have to wait and see!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Prayer Prayer Prayer

Well my peeps I need a job and I have been needing one for awhile now. I just don't understand why I am not getting hired. I have my credential and my Masters and I am a great teacher. We have accumulated $800 in medical bills over the last two weeks because we had to choose between health insurance and food. Now we are going through the process of getting insurance for free for the kids but that won't take affect until August, so cross your fingers that no more stitches are needed. Meanwhile the rest of the people who "work" for the company are living the high life with out a care. Luckily Best Buy bucks bought father's day for our Dads because without it we wouldn't have been able to afford it. It is just frustrating to see how Jaime's father treats him. He could just eliminate his sister's jobs and give us our pay back but he chooses not to. Their jobs are pointless and they are just an extension of the job that I do there. Long story short please pray for us we seriously need new jobs or that our Monavie business would take off.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

It's too hot!

Now I love warm weather just like any Californian but when your AC is out it sucks. I am trying to get Jaime to go to the beach but I have yet to convince him. So sad I know. Meanwhile the kids are making the best of it by running through the sprinklers and fighting with luchador masks on (I have no idea why they would want to do that when it is hot but whatever). Isabelle has even changed her normal birthday present requests from princess type stuff to a slip and slide and a new swimsuit. Well hopefully the heatwave won't last through next week and we can cool down for a little while, as for now let the shave ice making continue, man I could go for so Matsumoto's right about now.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Congrats High School Grads!

So last night I had the awesome opportunity to attend the graduation of two great girls, Sarah and Devon. Sad to say that at the end of summer they will no longer be in our youth group :( They will be going on to bigger and better things. They both have very promising futures and a passion for God that amazes me. I can't wait to see them complete the task that God has set before them! I love them and wish them the not just the best but God's best for their lives!