Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend

So a few of our youth kids parents got together and told us the they were taking our family to Spirit West Coast. Now prior to this weekend I have never slept in a tent, I know spoiled girl from the OC right small group, so it was an adventure. We had so much fun! I have to admit I was tired because I didn't sleep but we had fun with our kids and our youth kids. It is really nice to get to know our youth kids parents too. We got to see Toby Mac and Jars of Clay. It was so much fun to spend time with everyone and with the fried twinkies and dippin dots. We got free Chick-fil-a coops and free soda at the youth leader hospitality center. I just love spending time with our youth and their families they are truly a blessing to us!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Mother's Day= Flowers

Can I tell you how much I love flowers? Yeah I like them a lot! I got a lot of them on Sunday since I am a mother. Now my house is full of flowers and smells so nice and pretty!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

The Point System

I have been meaning to institute a point system with my children. It has been a longtime coming but I have finally done it! Yay me! The girls are slowly warming up to it and realizing what it is and how it works. Gwen is particularly excited since the points can't be taken away unless they are used. The rewards that I have for them are Chick fil a-25 points, John's Incredible Pizza- 200 points and Libby Lu- 200 points. I know you totally wish that you could get in on the reward chart but sorry you have to be between the ages of 4 and 18, have the last name Legaspi, and live with me. So we will see if this produces a clean room and earlier bed times.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Fun times at graduation

Hmm where should I start... I know I'll start with the fact that I cried while i was walking in to sit down, shocker I know. We sat there for an hour listening to speakers and chatting. Then it was time to be "hooded", it was so exciting! I get up there and my professor says, " I see that you have brought your entourage with you" I started laughing and then I hear these two very distinct voices. It was Mikey and Crystal. All I hear is "Get it get it" and " Who's got the spotlight?" and wait I can't forget the "run down the aisle Sarah, no strut". I was thinking seriously? I am getting heckled during a Master's Degree ceremony. Yes I was laughing the whole time I was on the stage. I still can't believe that I did it.